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Composite Fillings

The survival of direct composite restorations in the management of severe tooth wear including attrition and erosion: A prospective 8-year study

Melosovic and Burnside-2016

Relevance :

128 in 2023

Conclusion :

Take it with a pinch of reality check - these restorations were done by one specialist clinician , so cannot be applied to all .
All patients referred to Milosevic ( the clinician ) with a tooth wear problem.
This is the largest case series of patients with tooth wear restored with a single direct composite resin by one operator ,Only7% failure rate over an average follow up time of 33 months.
So, the annualized failure rate for a 7% failure rate over 33 months is approximately 2.55% per year.
The estimated Annual failure rate for the first year is 5.4%
Higher failure rate in
Older patients Lack of posterior support ( no back teeth)
Bite - Class III or edge to edge compared to class I or class II
Lower arch compared to upper arch
No effect with Increase in OVD
Composites placed in attrition cases had the lowest survival.


Composite Restorations,
Severe Tooth Wear,
Prospective Study

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