Dahl Concept
The Dahl Concept: past, present and future
Poyser at al -2005
Relevance :
181 in 2023
Conclusion :
Dahl success: 94-100%, it can take 3-6 month and can sometimes take upto 24 months for teeth to move. The older cases were removable appliances so the compliance was an issue . When fixed options like a temporary wing/ composite , the thickness of the material is the amount of space gained.
The space gained is from a combination of teeth extrusion of the teeth kept apart and tooth intrusion of the ones in contact.
Using composite as the interim dahl appliance is advised - can adjust, inexpensive, can be easily removed for subsequent definitive extra-coronal restoration once space has been created
Main problem with Dahl concept are initial difficulties associated with chewing and speaking, but problems are transient. There has been very possible risk of pulp problems, periodontal problems, root resorption or TMJ( Temporomandibular joint) problems.
Dahl Concept,
Tooth Re-contouring,
Occlusal Adjustment