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Childrens Tooth Anatomy

Microstructure and mineral composition of dental enamel of permanent and deciduous teeth

De - 2010

Relevance :

310 in 2024

Conclusion :

The mean thickness measurements observed in the deciduous teeth enamel was 1.14 mm and in the permanent teeth enamel was 2.58 mm.

The mean rod head diameter in deciduous teeth was statistically similar to that of permanent teeth enamel, and a slightly decrease from the outer enamel surface to the region next to the enamel-dentine junction was assessed.

The numerical density of enamel rods was higher in the deciduous teeth, mainly near EDJ, that showed statistically significant difference. The percentage of Ca and P was higher in the permanent teeth enamel.

Conclusions: The primary enamel structure showed a lower level of Ca and P, thinner thickness and higher numerical density of rods


Dental Enamel,
Mineral Composition

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