Prevalence Of Disease
Global epidemiology of periodontal diseases: an overview
Albandar and Rams 2002
Relevance :
818 in 2023
Conclusion :
Behavioral changes, including better oral
hygiene habits, smoking cessation programs, and other behavioral and promotional programs may potentially improve periodontal health, the overall
benefits may be offset and even surpassed by the
increases in the prevalence and severity of periodontal attachment loss which will accompany the
anticipated increase in tooth retention and longer
life expectancy. In the coming years on a global
basis, it may be foreseen that a decrease in prevalence and severity of periodontal attachment loss in
populations younger than 50 years is likely together
with an increase in periodontal disease in older age
Global Epidemiology, Periodontal Diseases, Overview of Periodontal Health, Worldwide Periodontal Trends, Global Impact on Oral Health