Understanding Research
Evidence based medicine–new approaches and challenges
Masic.et.al - 2008
Relevance :
583 in 2023
Conclusion :
This study outline , how a medical practitioner , can do efficient evidence based practice, and the steps and approaches to it. This paper also explains the hierarchy of evidence , and helps the reader understand the importance of the combined analysis from different studies called meta analysis and systematic reviews.
Evidence based medicine (EBM) is conscious, specific, reasonable use of modern, best evidences in making decisions about treatment of individual patients.
The real purpose is that by the use of the best possible evidence ,a doctor chooses for his patient the best possible solution, wanting to provide to him the optimum health care in every aspect. It is also used to avoid major mistakes in the course of treatment, and by this raises the quality of provided health care to the patient. In a wider context, it can save the lives of our patients.
Innovation, Evolution, Challenges