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Truth About Energy drinks

Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a systematic review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes 2024

Relevance :

new in 2024

Conclusion :

This paper updates the original 2016 review ( 2016 , given below) and expands the evidence base that consumption of EDs by children and young people could impact on their physical, mental, behavioural, educational and overall health.

Boys consumed EDs more than girls. Many studies reported a strong positive association between ED consumption and smoking, alcohol use, binge drinking, other substance use and the intentions to initiate these behaviours. Sensation-seeking and delinquent behaviours were positively associated with ED consumption, as were short sleep duration, poor sleep quality and low academic performance. Additional health effects noted in the updated review included increased risk of suicide, psychological distress, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms, depressive and panic behaviours, allergic diseases, insulin resistance, dental caries and erosive tooth wear.


Energy Drink Consumption,
Children and Youth,
Physical Effects

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