Clinical characteristics at implants with a history of progressive bone loss
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374 in 2024
Conclusion :
It was demonstrated that the frequencies of BoP, Pus, ‘recession’ and PPD≥6 mm were higher at implants with than without ‘progressive’ bone loss. In addition, smokers had larger numbers of affected implants than non-smokers, and the proportion of affected implants that exhibited Pus and PPD≥6 mm was higher in smokers than in non-smokers. The logistic regression analysis revealed that the findings of Pus, ‘recession’ and PPD≥6 mm at an implant in a smoking subject had a 69% accuracy in identifying the history of progressive bone loss.
Conclusion: The results from this study demonstrate an association between clinical signs of pathology and bone loss at implants. It is recommended to include clinical assessments in the evaluation of implant therapy.
Progressive Bone Loss,
Implant Characteristics,
Clinical History