Fluoride v/s nano Hydroxyapatite
Calcium phosphate‐based remineralization systems: scientific evidence?
Reynolds.et.al -2008
Relevance :
560 in 2024
Conclusion :
In recent times three calcium phosphate-based remineralization systems have been developed and are now commercially available:
1. a casein phosphopeptide stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (RecaldentTM (CPP-ACP), CASRN691364-49-5),
2. an unstabilized amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP or EnamelonTM)
3. a bioactive glass containing calcium sodium phosphosilicate (NovaMinTM).
The purpose of this review was to determine the scientific evidence to support a role for these remineralization systems in the non-invasive treatment of early caries lesions. The review has revealed that there is evidence for an anticariogenic efficacy of the EnamelonTM technology for root caries and for the RecaldentTM technology in significantly slowing the progression of coronal caries and promoting the regression of lesions in randomized, controlled clinical trials.
Hence the calcium phosphate-based remineralization technologies show promise as adjunctive treatments to fluoride therapy in the non-invasive management of early caries lesions.
Calcium Phosphate,
Remineralization Systems,
Scientific Evidence