Manual Toothbrushes
An analysis of methods of toothbrushing recommended by dental associations, toothpaste and toothbrush companies and in dental texts - 2014
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174 in 2023
Conclusion :
This study searched the web for brushing recommendation in articles,texbooks,organisations,toothbrush and toothpaste companies and evaluated them.
The Modified Bass technique was the most commonly recommended technique , twice daily brushing and for 2 minutes.Recommendations on which toothbrushing method to use for adults differed from those for children .
For adults ,of the 36 sources on toothbrushing method; 14 recommended the Modified Bass technique, 11 the Bass, 3 the Fones and 2 the Scrub technique. None recommended the Stillman or Charters techniques.
For children 27 sources contained recommendations on toothbrushing method. 7 recommended the Fones technique, 5 the Modified Bass, 4 the Scrub and 2 the Bass technique. None recommended the Stillman or Charters techniques.
Toothbrushing Methods,
Dental Associations,
Toothpaste Recommendations