Long-term survivals direct-wax'cast gold onlays: a retrospective study in a general dental practice - 2009
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17 in 2024
Conclusion :
One hundred and ninety-four onlays in 56 patients were examined.
Four restorations (2.1%) had failed, mainly due to recurrent caries.
The cumulative survival probability was estimated at 415.3 months, while the 10-year and 20-year survival rates were 97.0% and 94.1% respectively.
Vital teeth, compared to non-vital ones, and onlay extension encompassing both the mesial and distal tooth surfaces exhibited significantly (P <0.05) higher success rates. Variations in marginal fit and restoration location did not affect the survival probability.
Direct-wax cast gold restorations of partial coverage were a highly successful treatment option for posterior restorations in a general dental practice environment.
Gold onlays, longevity